BLOG ARTICLE 醫者 意也/Orthopaedics & Rehabilitation | 16 ARTICLE FOUND
- 2015.11.04 Acupuncture and Alexander Technique Help Alleviate Chronic Neck Pain
- 2015.10.22 Avoid Sedatives and Opioids for Treating Low Back Pain
- 2015.09.24 Exercise Program for Hand Osteoarthritis
- 2015.09.10 Home-Based Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy After Stroke
- 2015.08.26 Epidural Corticosteroids Offer No Long-Term Relief from Radiculopathy or Spinal Stenosis
- 2015.07.15 Benefits from Arthroscopic Intervention for Degenerative Knee Arthritis Are Minimal
- 2015.05.29 No Benefit from Early Imaging for Low Back Pain in Seniors
- 2013.09.24 치자 성분이 염증성 뼈 질환에 미치는 효과?!?
- 2013.09.24 Barthel Index(바텔 지수)
- 2013.09.24 NIHSS, 얼마나 타당한가?
- 2013.09.09 NIHSS(National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale, 중풍 평가)
- 2013.08.07 Myotome & Dermatome
- 2012.12.08 뇌졸중 재활 치료 권고 지침
- 2012.09.19 Weight gain in smokers after quitting cigarettes:meta-analysis (BMJ)
- 2012.03.26 발목 염좌
- 2012.03.21 비만 ( Obesity )