a : see ab
a(h) <interj.> cryof pain, joy or appeal
ab or a <prep.> (+abl.) from ; away from; by(the agency of); since
abactus, -us <m.> : sideboard ; counting-board
abaeto see abito
aballenatus, -a, -um <adj.> : estranged, alienated
abalieno : 1. to transfer possession of ; remove; alienate
abavus, -i <m.> : great-great-grandfather ; distant ancestor
abdicatio, -onis <f.> : abdication, resignation
abdico¹ : 1. to abdicate, resign ; disown
abdico² , abdixi, abdictum : 3. to reject omens
abditus, -a, -um <adj.> : hidden, out of the way ; abstruse, obscure ; <n.pl.sbst.>secret places
abdo, abdidi, abditum : 3. to hide; cover, bury ; remove
abdomen, -inis <n.> : belly, paunch; gluttony
abduco,-uxi,-uctum : 3. to lead away, remove ; cause to deviate
abeo,abire,abivi(abili),abitum: 4.to go awaym depart; change into; die; <abi in malam rem> : to hell with you!
abequito : 1. to ride away
aberratio, -onis : <f.>(+ab+abl.) : relief(from) ; diversion(from)
aberro : 1.(+ab +abl.) to shrink back(from) ; disinclined(towards); be inconsistent(with)
abhorridus,-a,-um : <adj.>unsightly, repellent
abico, abieci, abietum : 3.to throw down or away;give up; degrade
abiete :<adv.>without spirit, abjectly; humbly
abiectio,-onis:<f.> dejection, depression
abiectus, -a, -um: <adj.>downcast, despondent, unimportant; low, base
abignus,-a,-um:<adj.>made of fir-wood
abies,-etis :<f.>silver fir; wood of the silver fir; javelin; ship
abigo, abegi, abactum :3. to drive away; remove; deter(from);partum abigere to procure abortion
abitio, -onis :<f.>going away, departure
abito : 3.to go away, depart
abitus,-us:<m.>going away, departure; place of egress, way out
all these contents come from "penguin Latin DIctionary written by ROBERT SHORROCK & DAVID BUTTERFIELD"
if it has a problem with copyright, please inform me whenever you want. I'll very appreciate that.
a(h) <interj.> cryof pain, joy or appeal
ab or a <prep.> (+abl.) from ; away from; by(the agency of); since
abactus, -us <m.> : sideboard ; counting-board
abaeto see abito
aballenatus, -a, -um <adj.> : estranged, alienated
abalieno : 1. to transfer possession of ; remove; alienate
abavus, -i <m.> : great-great-grandfather ; distant ancestor
abdicatio, -onis <f.> : abdication, resignation
abdico¹ : 1. to abdicate, resign ; disown
abdico² , abdixi, abdictum : 3. to reject omens
abditus, -a, -um <adj.> : hidden, out of the way ; abstruse, obscure ; <n.pl.sbst.>secret places
abdo, abdidi, abditum : 3. to hide; cover, bury ; remove
abdomen, -inis <n.> : belly, paunch; gluttony
abduco,-uxi,-uctum : 3. to lead away, remove ; cause to deviate
abeo,abire,abivi(abili),abitum: 4.to go awaym depart; change into; die; <abi in malam rem> : to hell with you!
abequito : 1. to ride away
aberratio, -onis : <f.>(+ab+abl.) : relief(from) ; diversion(from)
aberro : 1.(+ab +abl.) to shrink back(from) ; disinclined(towards); be inconsistent(with)
abhorridus,-a,-um : <adj.>unsightly, repellent
abico, abieci, abietum : 3.to throw down or away;give up; degrade
abiete :<adv.>without spirit, abjectly; humbly
abiectio,-onis:<f.> dejection, depression
abiectus, -a, -um: <adj.>downcast, despondent, unimportant; low, base
abignus,-a,-um:<adj.>made of fir-wood
abies,-etis :<f.>silver fir; wood of the silver fir; javelin; ship
abigo, abegi, abactum :3. to drive away; remove; deter(from);partum abigere to procure abortion
abitio, -onis :<f.>going away, departure
abito : 3.to go away, depart
abitus,-us:<m.>going away, departure; place of egress, way out
abiudico :1. to remove something with a judicial sentence
abiungo,-xi,-ctum : 3.to unyoke; separate, detach
abiuro : 1. to deny on oath, abjure,; disavow
ablegatio,-onis : <f.>sending away on duty
ablego :1. tosend off or away; remove
abilgurrio : 4.to lick away, eat up ; squander
abloco :1. to let out on lease
abludo : 3. to differ from, be unlike
abluo,-ui,-utum : 3. to wash off or away; bathe
abnato : 1. to swim off or away
abnego : 1. to refuse; deny(someone sthg)
abnepos,-otis : <m.> great-great-grandson; distant descendant
abneptis,-is ;<f.> great-great-granddaughter
abnocto : 1. to stay out all night
abnormis, -is, -e : <adj.> deviating from the norm, belonging to no school or sect
abnuo,-ui,-utum : 3.to refuse by a nod of the head; deny; decline
abnuto : 1.(+dat.) to shake the head repeatedly(at)
abolesco,-levi : 3.to vanish, pass away
abolitio,-onis :<f.>abolition, annulment(of a law); amnesty
abolla,-ae:<f.>thick woolen cloak
abominandus,-a,-um : <adj>ill-omened; abominable; <n.pl.sbst> detestable things
abominor : 1.<dep.>to deprecate an unfavourable omen; hate, detest
aborior, abortus : 4.<dep.> to die away, fade out
aboriscor : 3.<dep>to fade away, perish
abortio,-onis :<f.>premature delivery, abortion
abortivum,-i : <n.>means of procuring abortion, abortifacient
abortivus,-a,-um : <adj.>born prematurely, aborted
abortus,-us : <m.> premature delivery, abortion; failure to fertilize
abrado,-si,-sum : 3. to scrape away; shave off ; extort(money)
abripio,-ipui,-eptum : 3.to sntch away, remove ; drag off
abrogatio,-onis :<f.> repeal of law
abrogo :1. to repeal, revoke; take away
abrumpo, abrupi, abruptum : 3.to break off, break; cut short
abruptio,-onis :<f.> breaking off; tearing awa
abruptus,-a,-um:<adj.>steep, sheer; cut short; rash; stubborn
abs see ab
abscedo,-cesssi,-cessum :3. to go away; withdraw; retire
abscessio,-onis :<f.> separation, loss
abscessus,-us :<m.>going away, withdrawal; absence
abscido,-di,-sum :3. to cut off; separate
abscindo,-idi,-issum :3. to tear off or away; break off; separate
abscisus,-a,-um :<adj.>steep, precipitous
abscondite :<adv.> obscurely, abstrusely
absconditus, -a,-um : <adj.>hidden; abstruse; disguised
abscondo,-i(di),-itum : 3. to hide, conceal; keep secret
absens,-ntis :<adj.> absent
absentia,-ae :<f.> absence
absilio : 4. to fly away or apart
absimilis, -is, -e : <adj.>dissimilar, unlike
absinthium, -(i)i : <n.>wormwood
absisto, abstiti : 3.(+ab +abl.) to go away, withdraw(from); cease(from)
absolute : <adv.>completely; simply
absolutio,-onis :<f.> aquittal; completion; perfection
absolutorius, -a, -um : <adj.>of or relating to perfection
absolutus, -a, -um : <adj.>complete, finishied; pure, absolute
absolvo,-vi,-utum :3. tofree; acquit; complete; relate
absonus, -a, -um : <adj.> inharmonious; incongruous
absorbeo, -bui or -psi, -ptum : 2.devour; engulf; engross
absque : <prep.>(+abl.) without, except
abstemius, -a, -um : <adj.>sober; self-restrained
abstergeo,-si,-sum: 2. to wipe off or away; expel
absterreo : 2. to frighten away; keep from
abstinens,-ntis : <adj.>(+abl./+gen.) abstaining from; self-restrained
abstinenter : <adv.> abstinently; scrupulously
abstintntia,-ae :<f.>abstinence, self-restraint; integrity; starvation
abstineo :2. torestrain, keep back; abstain; fast
absto :1. to stand aloof ; keep away
abstraho, -xi, -ctum : 3. to drag away; remove; separate
abstrudo, -si, -sum : 3. to conceal
abstrusus, -a, -um : <adj.>hidden, concealed; reserved ; abstruse
abstulo :1. to take away
absum, abesse, afui : <v.><irreg.>(+ab, +abl.) to be absent, distant(from); be free(from)
absumedo, -inis :<f.> consumption, squandering
absumo, -umpsi, -umptum : 3. to consume; use up; take away
absurde : <adv.>discordantly; absurdly, irrationally
absurdus,-a,-um : <adj.>discordant; absurd, inappropriate; incapable
abundans, -ntis : <adj.> overflowing; abundant;(+gen./abl.) abounding (in)
abundanter : <adv.> abundantly; copiously
abundantia,-ae : <f.>overflowing; abundance; wealth
abunde : <adv.> in abundance; exceedingly
abundo : 1. to overflow; (+abl.) right from; ever since
abusus, -us :<m.> wasting
abutor, abusus : 3.<dep.>(+abl./acc.) to use up, waste; misapply; exploit
ac : see atque
acalanthis, -idis : <f.> small song-bird
acanths, -i : <m.> the plant bearsfoot; gum tree
acapnus,-a,-um : <adj.> burning without smoke
accanto : 1.(+acc) tosing to; sing at
accedo, accessi, accessum : 3. (+dat, or +ad/in +acc.) to approach, come to ; agree with ; enter upon ; be added
accelero : 1. to hasten, quicken; hurry
accendo,-di,-sum : 3. to kindle, set on fire; inflame, excite
accenseo,-um : 2. to count in addition
accensus, -i : <m.> attendant; <pl.>super-numerary soldiers
acceptatus,-a, -um : <adj.> acceptable
acceptio, -onis : <f.> receiving, accepting
accepto : 1. to receive
acceptor, -oris : <m.> believer
acceptrix, -icis : <f.> female who receives, receiver
acceptum, -i : <n.>receipt of money; credit
acceptus, -a, -um : <adj.>welcome, pleasant;(of money) credited, received
accessio,-onis : <f.>approaching; attack; addition
accessus, -us : <m.>approach; attack; way in; admittance
accidens, -nitis : <n.>chance occurrence, accident
accido, -i : 3. to fall down ; occur, befall;
accidit ut(+subj.) it is the case that
accido,- di,-sum : 3.to cut into, hack at; weaken, diminish
accingo,-nxi,-nctum : 3. to surround, grid; equip, prepare
accio : 4. to summon, send for
accipio, accepi, acceptum : 3. to receive, accept; welcome; learn
accipiter,-tris : <m.> hwak; one who snathes
accipitrina, -ae : <f.> snatching theft
accitus, -a, -um : <adj.> imported
accitus, -us : <m.> summons
acllamatio, -onis : <f.> shout
acllamo : 1. to shout at; protest; applaud
acclaro : 1. to make clear, reveal
acclinis, -is, -e : <adj.> (+dat.) leaning on or against; inclined(to)
acclino : 1. (+dat.) to lean on, rest on ; incline
acclivis, -is, -e or -us, -a, -um : <adj.> uphill, inclined upwards
acclivitas, -atis : <f.> ascent, steepness
accognosco : 3. to recognize
acola, -ae : <m./f.> neighbour
accolo,accolui,accultum : 3. to live near
accomodate : <adv.> agreeably, suitably
accommodatio, -onis : <f.> adjustment, fitting; courteousness
accommodatus, -a, -um : <adj.> (+ad +acc. or +dat.)
accommodo : 1. to fit, adjustment; adapt
accommodus, -a, -um : <adj.>(+dat.) fit (for), adapted (to)
accredo, -didi : 3.(+dat.) to believe
accresco, accrevi, accretum : 3. to grow, increase; rise; accrue
accretio,-onis :<f.> increase
accubitio, -onis : <f.>reclining(at meals)
accubitus, -us : <m.> lying, reclining
accubo : 1. to lie, recline; rest
accubuo : <adv.> lying down
accudo : 3. to coin further
accumbo, -bui, -bitum : 3. to lie down; recline(at table); (+dat.) sleep(with)
accumulator, -oris : <m.> one who heaps up, accumulator
accumulo : 1. to heap up, accumulate; load; increase
accurate : <adv.> carefully, precisely
accuratio, -onis : <f.> carefulness, accuracy
accuratus, -a, -um : <adj.> carefully prepared, exact
accuro : 1. to prepare with care; treat carefully
accurro, -(cu)rri, -rsum : 3. (+ad +acc. or +dat.) to run (to), hurry (to); occur; attack
accursus, -us : <m.> running to ; attack
accusabilis, -is, -e :<adj.> blameworthy, reprehensible
accusatio, -onis : <f.> accusation, indictment
accusator, -oris : <m.> prosecutor, accuser; informer
accusatorie : <adv.> in an accusing manner
accusatorius, -a, -um : <adj.> of or relating to the prosecution; denunciatory
accusatrix, -icis : <f.> female prosecutor
accusito : 1. to accuse repeatedly
accuso : 1.(+gen. of charge) to charge; censure, reproach
acer, -ris : <n.> maple ; maple wood
acer, acris, acre : <adj.> sharp ; shrill ; keen ; intense; fierce
acrbe : <adv.> bitterly ; harshly; prematurely
acerbitas, -atis : <f.> harshness; bitterness; suffering
acerbo : 1. to aggravate; embitter
acerbus, -a, -um : <adj.> sour, bitter ; harsh; distressing; premature
acernus, -a, -um : <adj.> of maple wood
acerra, -ae : <f.> incense-box
acersecomes, -ae : <m.> long-haired youth
acervalis, -is, -e : <adj.> proceeding by accumulation
acervatim : <adv.> in heaps; summarily; haphazardly
acervatio, -onis : <f.> heaping up, accumulatioin
acervo : 1. to heap up
acervus, -i : <m.> heap, pile; mass
acesco, acui : 3. to become sour
acetabulum, -i : <n.> small cup(for juggling)
acetum, -i : <n.> sour wine, vinegar ; quick wit
achates, -ae : <f.> agate
acidus, -a, -um : <adj.> sour, vinegary ; sharp-tongues; unplesant
acies, -ei(-e) : <f.> sharp edge; insight; sight; eye; battle-line; battle
acinaces, -is :<m.> short Persian sword
acinus, -i :<m.> berry, grape; stone of a berry
acipenser, -eris <m.> or -sis, -sis <m.> : sturgen( or sim. luxury fish)
aclys, -ydis : <f.> light javelin
acoenonoetus, -us, -um : <adj.> without common feeling
aconitum(-on), -i : <n.> kind of posisonous plant; poison(of this plant)
acor, acoris : <m.> bitter or tart item
acquiesco, -evi : 3. to rest, repose ; subside; die ; (+in +abl. or + abl.) find comfort (in); be pleased with
acquiro, -sivi, -situm : 3.(+ad +acc. or +dat.) to obtain ; acquire(for)
acratophorum,-i : <n.> vessel for holding unmixed wine
acredula, -ae : <f.> unknown bird
acriculus, -a, -um : <adj.> somewhat shrewd
acrimonia, -ae : <f.> energy, vigour
acriter : <adv.> keenly, intensely; harshly; violently; clearly; attentively
acroama, -atis : <n.> piece of oral or musical entertainment; entertainer
acroasis, -is : <f.> public lecture
acta, -ae : <f.> seashore
actio, -onis : <f.> action; performance; speech; proposal; legal suit; entertainer
actito : 1. to do repeatedly or habitually; be an actor in
actiuncula, -ae : <f.>short speech
activus, -a, -um : <adj.> ative, practical
actor, -oris : <m.> drover; performer; actor; advocate ; manager
actuaria, -ae : <f.> swift boat
actuariola,-ae : <f.>small swift boat
actuarius, -a, -um : <adj.> swift, agile
actuarius, -li : <m.> shorthand writer
actum, -i : <n.> act; achievement; decree; <pl.> record of eents(esp. of the senate)
actuose : <adv.> immediately, instantly
acula : see aquola
aculeatus, -a, -um : <adj.> stinging; pointed
aculeus, -i : <m.> sting; dart; spur
acumen, -inis : <n.> sharp point; sting; shrewdness; pointedness
acuo, acui, acutum : 3. to sharpen; intensify; incite
acus, acus : <f.> pin, needle; hair-pin; curling-iron; pipefish, needlefish
acute : <adv.>clearly; acutely, shrewdly
acutulus, -a,-um : <adj.> somewhat shrewd, acute
acutus, -a, -um : <adj.> sharp pointed; keen; sagacious; clear; shrill; violent
ad : <prep.> (+acc.) to, towards; by, near, at; up to, before; according to; concerning; for
adactio, -onis : <f.> compulsion, obligation
adactus, -us : <m.> thrust
abiungo,-xi,-ctum : 3.to unyoke; separate, detach
abiuro : 1. to deny on oath, abjure,; disavow
ablegatio,-onis : <f.>sending away on duty
ablego :1. tosend off or away; remove
abilgurrio : 4.to lick away, eat up ; squander
abloco :1. to let out on lease
abludo : 3. to differ from, be unlike
abluo,-ui,-utum : 3. to wash off or away; bathe
abnato : 1. to swim off or away
abnego : 1. to refuse; deny(someone sthg)
abnepos,-otis : <m.> great-great-grandson; distant descendant
abneptis,-is ;<f.> great-great-granddaughter
abnocto : 1. to stay out all night
abnormis, -is, -e : <adj.> deviating from the norm, belonging to no school or sect
abnuo,-ui,-utum : 3.to refuse by a nod of the head; deny; decline
abnuto : 1.(+dat.) to shake the head repeatedly(at)
abolesco,-levi : 3.to vanish, pass away
abolitio,-onis :<f.>abolition, annulment(of a law); amnesty
abolla,-ae:<f.>thick woolen cloak
abominandus,-a,-um : <adj>ill-omened; abominable; <n.pl.sbst> detestable things
abominor : 1.<dep.>to deprecate an unfavourable omen; hate, detest
aborior, abortus : 4.<dep.> to die away, fade out
aboriscor : 3.<dep>to fade away, perish
abortio,-onis :<f.>premature delivery, abortion
abortivum,-i : <n.>means of procuring abortion, abortifacient
abortivus,-a,-um : <adj.>born prematurely, aborted
abortus,-us : <m.> premature delivery, abortion; failure to fertilize
abrado,-si,-sum : 3. to scrape away; shave off ; extort(money)
abripio,-ipui,-eptum : 3.to sntch away, remove ; drag off
abrogatio,-onis :<f.> repeal of law
abrogo :1. to repeal, revoke; take away
abrumpo, abrupi, abruptum : 3.to break off, break; cut short
abruptio,-onis :<f.> breaking off; tearing awa
abruptus,-a,-um:<adj.>steep, sheer; cut short; rash; stubborn
abs see ab
abscedo,-cesssi,-cessum :3. to go away; withdraw; retire
abscessio,-onis :<f.> separation, loss
abscessus,-us :<m.>going away, withdrawal; absence
abscido,-di,-sum :3. to cut off; separate
abscindo,-idi,-issum :3. to tear off or away; break off; separate
abscisus,-a,-um :<adj.>steep, precipitous
abscondite :<adv.> obscurely, abstrusely
absconditus, -a,-um : <adj.>hidden; abstruse; disguised
abscondo,-i(di),-itum : 3. to hide, conceal; keep secret
absens,-ntis :<adj.> absent
absentia,-ae :<f.> absence
absilio : 4. to fly away or apart
absimilis, -is, -e : <adj.>dissimilar, unlike
absinthium, -(i)i : <n.>wormwood
absisto, abstiti : 3.(+ab +abl.) to go away, withdraw(from); cease(from)
absolute : <adv.>completely; simply
absolutio,-onis :<f.> aquittal; completion; perfection
absolutorius, -a, -um : <adj.>of or relating to perfection
absolutus, -a, -um : <adj.>complete, finishied; pure, absolute
absolvo,-vi,-utum :3. tofree; acquit; complete; relate
absonus, -a, -um : <adj.> inharmonious; incongruous
absorbeo, -bui or -psi, -ptum : 2.devour; engulf; engross
absque : <prep.>(+abl.) without, except
abstemius, -a, -um : <adj.>sober; self-restrained
abstergeo,-si,-sum: 2. to wipe off or away; expel
absterreo : 2. to frighten away; keep from
abstinens,-ntis : <adj.>(+abl./+gen.) abstaining from; self-restrained
abstinenter : <adv.> abstinently; scrupulously
abstintntia,-ae :<f.>abstinence, self-restraint; integrity; starvation
abstineo :2. torestrain, keep back; abstain; fast
absto :1. to stand aloof ; keep away
abstraho, -xi, -ctum : 3. to drag away; remove; separate
abstrudo, -si, -sum : 3. to conceal
abstrusus, -a, -um : <adj.>hidden, concealed; reserved ; abstruse
abstulo :1. to take away
absum, abesse, afui : <v.><irreg.>(+ab, +abl.) to be absent, distant(from); be free(from)
absumedo, -inis :<f.> consumption, squandering
absumo, -umpsi, -umptum : 3. to consume; use up; take away
absurde : <adv.>discordantly; absurdly, irrationally
absurdus,-a,-um : <adj.>discordant; absurd, inappropriate; incapable
abundans, -ntis : <adj.> overflowing; abundant;(+gen./abl.) abounding (in)
abundanter : <adv.> abundantly; copiously
abundantia,-ae : <f.>overflowing; abundance; wealth
abunde : <adv.> in abundance; exceedingly
abundo : 1. to overflow; (+abl.) right from; ever since
abusus, -us :<m.> wasting
abutor, abusus : 3.<dep.>(+abl./acc.) to use up, waste; misapply; exploit
ac : see atque
acalanthis, -idis : <f.> small song-bird
acanths, -i : <m.> the plant bearsfoot; gum tree
acapnus,-a,-um : <adj.> burning without smoke
accanto : 1.(+acc) tosing to; sing at
accedo, accessi, accessum : 3. (+dat, or +ad/in +acc.) to approach, come to ; agree with ; enter upon ; be added
accelero : 1. to hasten, quicken; hurry
accendo,-di,-sum : 3. to kindle, set on fire; inflame, excite
accenseo,-um : 2. to count in addition
accensus, -i : <m.> attendant; <pl.>super-numerary soldiers
acceptatus,-a, -um : <adj.> acceptable
acceptio, -onis : <f.> receiving, accepting
accepto : 1. to receive
acceptor, -oris : <m.> believer
acceptrix, -icis : <f.> female who receives, receiver
acceptum, -i : <n.>receipt of money; credit
acceptus, -a, -um : <adj.>welcome, pleasant;(of money) credited, received
accessio,-onis : <f.>approaching; attack; addition
accessus, -us : <m.>approach; attack; way in; admittance
accidens, -nitis : <n.>chance occurrence, accident
accido, -i : 3. to fall down ; occur, befall;
accidit ut(+subj.) it is the case that
accido,- di,-sum : 3.to cut into, hack at; weaken, diminish
accingo,-nxi,-nctum : 3. to surround, grid; equip, prepare
accio : 4. to summon, send for
accipio, accepi, acceptum : 3. to receive, accept; welcome; learn
accipiter,-tris : <m.> hwak; one who snathes
accipitrina, -ae : <f.> snatching theft
accitus, -a, -um : <adj.> imported
accitus, -us : <m.> summons
acllamatio, -onis : <f.> shout
acllamo : 1. to shout at; protest; applaud
acclaro : 1. to make clear, reveal
acclinis, -is, -e : <adj.> (+dat.) leaning on or against; inclined(to)
acclino : 1. (+dat.) to lean on, rest on ; incline
acclivis, -is, -e or -us, -a, -um : <adj.> uphill, inclined upwards
acclivitas, -atis : <f.> ascent, steepness
accognosco : 3. to recognize
acola, -ae : <m./f.> neighbour
accolo,accolui,accultum : 3. to live near
accomodate : <adv.> agreeably, suitably
accommodatio, -onis : <f.> adjustment, fitting; courteousness
accommodatus, -a, -um : <adj.> (+ad +acc. or +dat.)
accommodo : 1. to fit, adjustment; adapt
accommodus, -a, -um : <adj.>(+dat.) fit (for), adapted (to)
accredo, -didi : 3.(+dat.) to believe
accresco, accrevi, accretum : 3. to grow, increase; rise; accrue
accretio,-onis :<f.> increase
accubitio, -onis : <f.>reclining(at meals)
accubitus, -us : <m.> lying, reclining
accubo : 1. to lie, recline; rest
accubuo : <adv.> lying down
accudo : 3. to coin further
accumbo, -bui, -bitum : 3. to lie down; recline(at table); (+dat.) sleep(with)
accumulator, -oris : <m.> one who heaps up, accumulator
accumulo : 1. to heap up, accumulate; load; increase
accurate : <adv.> carefully, precisely
accuratio, -onis : <f.> carefulness, accuracy
accuratus, -a, -um : <adj.> carefully prepared, exact
accuro : 1. to prepare with care; treat carefully
accurro, -(cu)rri, -rsum : 3. (+ad +acc. or +dat.) to run (to), hurry (to); occur; attack
accursus, -us : <m.> running to ; attack
accusabilis, -is, -e :<adj.> blameworthy, reprehensible
accusatio, -onis : <f.> accusation, indictment
accusator, -oris : <m.> prosecutor, accuser; informer
accusatorie : <adv.> in an accusing manner
accusatorius, -a, -um : <adj.> of or relating to the prosecution; denunciatory
accusatrix, -icis : <f.> female prosecutor
accusito : 1. to accuse repeatedly
accuso : 1.(+gen. of charge) to charge; censure, reproach
acer, -ris : <n.> maple ; maple wood
acer, acris, acre : <adj.> sharp ; shrill ; keen ; intense; fierce
acrbe : <adv.> bitterly ; harshly; prematurely
acerbitas, -atis : <f.> harshness; bitterness; suffering
acerbo : 1. to aggravate; embitter
acerbus, -a, -um : <adj.> sour, bitter ; harsh; distressing; premature
acernus, -a, -um : <adj.> of maple wood
acerra, -ae : <f.> incense-box
acersecomes, -ae : <m.> long-haired youth
acervalis, -is, -e : <adj.> proceeding by accumulation
acervatim : <adv.> in heaps; summarily; haphazardly
acervatio, -onis : <f.> heaping up, accumulatioin
acervo : 1. to heap up
acervus, -i : <m.> heap, pile; mass
acesco, acui : 3. to become sour
acetabulum, -i : <n.> small cup(for juggling)
acetum, -i : <n.> sour wine, vinegar ; quick wit
achates, -ae : <f.> agate
acidus, -a, -um : <adj.> sour, vinegary ; sharp-tongues; unplesant
acies, -ei(-e) : <f.> sharp edge; insight; sight; eye; battle-line; battle
acinaces, -is :<m.> short Persian sword
acinus, -i :<m.> berry, grape; stone of a berry
acipenser, -eris <m.> or -sis, -sis <m.> : sturgen( or sim. luxury fish)
aclys, -ydis : <f.> light javelin
acoenonoetus, -us, -um : <adj.> without common feeling
aconitum(-on), -i : <n.> kind of posisonous plant; poison(of this plant)
acor, acoris : <m.> bitter or tart item
acquiesco, -evi : 3. to rest, repose ; subside; die ; (+in +abl. or + abl.) find comfort (in); be pleased with
acquiro, -sivi, -situm : 3.(+ad +acc. or +dat.) to obtain ; acquire(for)
acratophorum,-i : <n.> vessel for holding unmixed wine
acredula, -ae : <f.> unknown bird
acriculus, -a, -um : <adj.> somewhat shrewd
acrimonia, -ae : <f.> energy, vigour
acriter : <adv.> keenly, intensely; harshly; violently; clearly; attentively
acroama, -atis : <n.> piece of oral or musical entertainment; entertainer
acroasis, -is : <f.> public lecture
acta, -ae : <f.> seashore
actio, -onis : <f.> action; performance; speech; proposal; legal suit; entertainer
actito : 1. to do repeatedly or habitually; be an actor in
actiuncula, -ae : <f.>short speech
activus, -a, -um : <adj.> ative, practical
actor, -oris : <m.> drover; performer; actor; advocate ; manager
actuaria, -ae : <f.> swift boat
actuariola,-ae : <f.>small swift boat
actuarius, -a, -um : <adj.> swift, agile
actuarius, -li : <m.> shorthand writer
actum, -i : <n.> act; achievement; decree; <pl.> record of eents(esp. of the senate)
actuose : <adv.> immediately, instantly
acula : see aquola
aculeatus, -a, -um : <adj.> stinging; pointed
aculeus, -i : <m.> sting; dart; spur
acumen, -inis : <n.> sharp point; sting; shrewdness; pointedness
acuo, acui, acutum : 3. to sharpen; intensify; incite
acus, acus : <f.> pin, needle; hair-pin; curling-iron; pipefish, needlefish
acute : <adv.>clearly; acutely, shrewdly
acutulus, -a,-um : <adj.> somewhat shrewd, acute
acutus, -a, -um : <adj.> sharp pointed; keen; sagacious; clear; shrill; violent
ad : <prep.> (+acc.) to, towards; by, near, at; up to, before; according to; concerning; for
adactio, -onis : <f.> compulsion, obligation
adactus, -us : <m.> thrust
all these contents come from "penguin Latin DIctionary written by ROBERT SHORROCK & DAVID BUTTERFIELD"
if it has a problem with copyright, please inform me whenever you want. I'll very appreciate that.